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Server network card: Embrace open computing power
Server network card: Embrace open computing power

      On August 10, the annual OCP China Day 2022 (Open Computing China Technology Summit) kicked off in Beijing. The theme of the summit is based on the theme of "opening to the future: green, fusion, and empowerment", and discusses the topics of green computing power infrastructure and sustainable development.
       China has the largest Internet user group, with a huge demand for computing power and servers, and its growth rate is extremely fast. As the development trend of innovative technology in the computing power industry is becoming increasingly clearer, people's attention to sustainable development of the industry has also increased day by day. At the same time, a large number of demand for data centers emerged in the digital transformation of Baixing and Baiye. Under the dual effects of the digital economy explosion and the pressure of climate change, the achievement of sustainable development will become the most important transformation topic facing the data center industry.

      The explosive growth of the data center, the processing rate of the CPU has not fully met the requirements of data processing. The calculation architecture transitions from the ONLOAD mode centered on the CPU, to the data -centered Offload mode, and the heavy responsibility of reducing the burden on the CPU is on the network card (network adapter) High requirements, the development of high -performance network cards for green data, "carbon reduction and carbon reduction", why not play a pivotal role.

      As the world's leading professional network card solution provider, LR-LINK Lianrui actively responds to the development of green data industrialization. In the research and development and manufacturing of network cards, it continuously innovates product functions and consolidates the stability and reliability of the operation function of the product. A total of more than 100 data center series cards were launched, and the product rate covered from 1G-100G. Among them, the OCP3.0 network card with a high development trend of "high -tech, high computing power, high efficiency, and high security" of the new data center in the future has reached more than 20 models. Five boats, H3C, HP and other brands. The rich port type and multi-rate product specifications provide customers with many reliable choice space and customized demand realization for customers to select the LR-Link brand network card.
       With the long-term service capabilities of the global cumulative customer volume of 2000+, to play the integration power of professionalism and production capacity, LR-LINK will play a greater role in helping the sustainable development of the Chinese data center industry Essence.