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The total amount of data is growing explosively, and the construction of network security is imminen
The total amount of data is growing explosively, and the construction of network security is imminen

      According to the "Data Age 2025" report released by IDC, by 2025, the total amount of global data will reach 163ZB, a 10-fold increase over 2016. We are entering the age of data.
      Data brings unprecedented business dividends, but also brings unprecedented risks. The data leakage level index shows that the amount of data leakage is increasing day by day. In the first half of 2018 alone, more than 25 million pieces of data were compromised or leaked every day, covering public and private fields such as medical, credit card, financial data, and personally identifiable information.

      It can be seen that the amount of data is increasing day by day, and data security is under more serious threats. It is imperative to strengthen the construction of network security and build a secure environment for network data transmission. With the occurrence of various information leaks, network attacks, and hacker incidents in the society, all sectors of society and government departments continue to pay more attention to the construction of network security.

      Network security network card, as an essential hardware device for building network security, plays a very important role in network security construction.
      Network security network cards are widely used in network security devices, such as firewalls, gatekeepers, gateways, etc. In other words: As long as there is a need for data confidentiality, network security equipment will be used, and network security series network cards cannot be separated. Especially in the fields of finance, banking, government agencies, aerospace, education, medical care, transportation and other fields that require strict confidentiality of data.

      LR-LINK is determined to insist on making network cards more refined, specialized and strong. It has been deeply engaged in the field of network card segmentation for 15 years, exploring the current situation of the industry, constantly researching new products, and accumulating rich industry experience. In response to the urgent situation of network security construction, LR-LINK actively develops stable and reliable network security network card solutions. At present, it has formed a network security series product line of various specifications from 1G to 40Gfrom RJ45 to optical fiberfrom dual-port to eight-port. With abundant chip resources, strong supply capacity and timely delivery, it can meet the diverse needs of customers and provide customized services.

      The core of the cybersecurity industry is offense and defense. Only through continuous R&D investment and strengthening of actual offensive and defensive confrontation can we respond to increasingly intelligent cyberattacks and build a network security barrier. LR-LINK will keep pace with the development of the times, constantly explore new fields, and develop more stable and reliable network security products to help build a stable network security environment.
      To choose a stable and reliable network security network card solution, please look for the LR-LINK brand.