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Are you afraid of stuck neck
Are you afraid of stuck neck

China's chip technology is frequently "stuck", and the road to domestic substitution is long.
      In early October 2022, the U.S. Department of Commerce issued nine sanctions again, stipulating that chip companies need to obtain a license to sell advanced chip products or technical services used in artificial intelligence and supercomputers to China, and requiring employees of U.S. semiconductor companies to stop The purpose of providing services to Chinese chip companies is to obstruct China's development of advanced chips.
      Why can chips attract so much attention from the world?

      In the era of information globalization, the core of high-performance computers, supercomputers, self-driving cars, artificial intelligence and other equipment is high-end chips. However, my country's chip supply market has long relied on foreign imports, not only facing the possibility of sanctions from the other party at any time, but also lacking strong security guarantees. Just imagine that these chips are used in the aerospace industry and are carried on national strategic military equipment such as spaceships and satellites. It is very likely that foreign speculators can enjoy our country's scientific and technological achievements or invade and destroy them through the back door. The consequences will be disastrous! In this regard, the state has set a goal of achieving a chip self-sufficiency rate of 70% by 2025 to accelerate the localization of Chinese chips.
      The "14th Five-Year Plan" and the 2035 long-term goal outline propose to create new advantages in the digital economy, focus on key areas such as high-end chips, operating systems, and sensors, and firmly grasp core technologies.
      National policies continue to exert force, and Chinese chip companies are also struggling to break through. At the end of 2021, Muchuang released the industry's first integrated security intelligent network controller chip RNP N10, and this year it launched the RNP N400, which broke the foreign monopoly and achieved a high degree of integration of network and security. Recently, YMTC announced that it has completed preparations for mass production of the 232-layer 3D NAND flash memory chip X3-9070, taking the lead in achieving the production achievement of more than 200-layer NAND. Following Huawei Kunpeng, Alibaba announced the launch of a commercial-grade server chip - Yitian 710. This chip uses the V9 architecture with the highest performance of the ARM architecture, becoming the second domestic chip company to launch an ARM architecture server chip.

      Facing the severe "chip" situation, the complete realization of chip localization replacement is difficult and long, but national information security cannot be delayed. As an indispensable hardware for network communication, network cards are widely used in data centers, machine vision, enterprises and institutions, financial education and other subdivided fields. Their localization plays an important role in promoting the construction of national information security and network security.
      As one of the first batch of local companies to deploy network cards in China, LR-LINK has independently developed more than 20 types of network cards based on chips such as Muchuang and NetEx, covering PCIE network cards, OCP network cards, PoE network cards, and sandwich network cards. Provide stable and reliable network card solutions for information security and upstream and downstream industry development, and create the "light of domestic products" in the network card industry.

      Key core technologies are the country's most important weapon and also a strategic security force. Today, the prosperity of technology application is improving, industrial policy support is increasing, and all walks of life are working together to overcome difficulties. Chips will continue to get rid of the "stuck neck" technical restrictions.
      To choose a stable and reliable network card solution, please look for the LR-LINK brand.