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Linkreal packaging and logo content change statement
Linkreal packaging and logo content change statement

We appreciate much on your attention and support to Linkreal Co., Ltd. In order to implement the development of Low-carbon environmentally friendly concept and contribute to global eco-system protection and constructions, as well as the company brand image upgrade.From now on, we will make the following changes to the product packaging and logo.

1. Cancel the paper version of the product installation guide and CD .

2. Warranty card content changed to Chinese and English translation combined print.

3. Anti-counterfeiting Check tab Content Optimization,Increase the degree of Anti-counterfeiting identification.

Meanwhile, the "Support" section of our website includes installation guide, product selection, after-sales service, FAQ, anti-counterfeiting check, download center, etc. Users can scan the QR code or click the website according to their business needs(https://www.lr-link.com/service.html).

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!